半田晴久(深見東州) プロフィール

■出身地: 兵庫県西宮市
パシフィックフォーラムCSIS理事。東南アジアテレビ局解説委員長、東南アジア英字新聞論説委員長。アジア・エコノミックフォーラム ファウンダー(創始者)、チェアマン。ジュリアード音楽院名誉人文学博士。オックスフォード大学 Honorary Fellow。
カンボジア王国国王より、コマンドール友好勲章、ならびにロイヤル・モニサラポン大十字勲章受章。またカンボジア政府より、モニサラポン・テポドン最高勲章(クメール・ルージュ被害者のための救済基金の功績により)、ならびにソワタラ勲章大勲位受章。ラオス政府より開発勲章受章。中国合唱事業特別貢献賞。西オーストラリア州芸術文化功労賞受賞。西オーストラリア州州都パース市、及びスワン市の名誉市民(「the keys to the City of Perth」、「the keys to the City of Swan」)。紺綬褒章受章。
アルバニアでは、最貧地域のブトリントに最初の近代的な学校を建設。開校式には当時のアルバニア大統領メイダーニ氏も列席。ジェイコブ・ロスチャイルド卿は感動して4度来校し、投資家の世界会議で広く紹介された。また、アルバニア初の職業訓練校をジロカストロ市に建設し、後に市の名誉市民に推挙された。また、オーストラリアの全国人権教育委員会より、「国際名誉市民」(Citizen of Humanity)の称号を授与された。
国内では、財団法人 協和協会理事長、財団法人 日印協会理事、財団法人 日本国際フォーラム理事、社団法人 日本紅卍字会理事兼名誉会長、特定非営利活動法人 日本ブラインドゴルフ振興協会 名誉会長、国際スポーツ振興協会(ISPS)会長、特定非営利活動法人 世界芸術文化振興協会会長、特定非営利活動法人 国際縄文学会会長など、公職多数。海外では、英国王立盲人協会(RNIB)副総裁、世界ブラインドゴルフ協会総裁(IBGA)、The LEGENDS Tour(米国女子シニアゴルフ協会〔WSGA〕)会長、カンボジアシアヌーク病院 創設者、兼米国公益法人シアヌーク病院副会長、「ワールドメイト未来の光孤児院」(カンボジア) 会長、梅蘭芳京劇団基金会理事長、北京戯校教育発展基金会会長、インターナショナル・シントウ・ファウンデーション(ISF)代表〔国連経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)認可NGO 、国連広報局認可NGO〕、世界宗教対話開発協会(WFDD)理事、アジア宗教対話開発協会会長(AFDD)などを務めている。声明の大家(故)天納傳中大僧正に師事、天台座主(天台宗総本山、比叡山延暦寺住職)の許可のもと在家得度、法名「東州」。臨済宗東福寺派管長の(故)福島慶道師に認められ、居士名「大岳」。
その他、みすず学苑やたちばな出版、TOSHU絵かきの店など、国内外に十数社を経営し、実践派経営コンサルタントとして多くのシンポジウム、講演会を主催、経営評論活動を行っている。また、作詞、作曲、演奏、指揮、声楽、和歌、俳句、絵画、声明、クラシックバレエ、京劇、俳優など、芸術文化方面で多彩な活動を行い、これまでに多くの書画集、楽譜集、写真集、ビデオ集、CD集などの作品を発表。今までに、音楽CDは85本、DVDは21本リリース。また、オペラ以外の、15年間のライブステージの集大成として、2007年5月に、9本のCD「深見東州ヒストリカルライブステージ」をリリースした。また、人生論、文明論、宗教評論などの著作も多い。「『日本型』経営で大発展」、「UNDERSTANDING JAPAN」や、140万部を突破した「強運」をはじめ、著作は240冊以上に及び、7カ国語に訳され出版されている。
その他、ラジオパーソナリティーとしても知られ、多くのレギュラー実績がある。現在は週2本のレギュラー番組を担当、ラジオ番組名「さわやかThis Way」(FM全国ネット)、「レオナルドTOSHUの遊びがNight」(FM Nack5)。
Dr. Haruhisa Handa(Dr. Toshu Fukami) profile
Toshu Fukami (aka Haruhisa Handa)
Toshu Fukami graduated from Kyoto’s Doshisha University with a degree in economics. He completed a master class in vocal music at Musashino Academia Musicae in Tokyo, then went on to earn a master’s degree in creative arts from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts at Edith Cowan University. He earned a doctorate in literature from the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University in Beijing, as well as a doctorate in classical Chinese literature from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. He also holds an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from The Juilliard School and is an Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi College at the University of Oxford.
Dr. Fukami is the co-founder and chancellor of the University of Cambodia. He is also a professor of international politics in the College of Social Sciences at the University of Cambodia and a professor at the College of Japanese Language and Culture at Zhejiang Gongshang University in China. He also holds positions at several other universities in the UK and China.
Dr. Fukami serves as an advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia. He holds the rank of Minister, Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia and Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Fukuoka, Japan. He is also the founder and chair of the Asia Economic Forum, a senior international commentator for Southeast Asia Television and a senior editorial writer for Southeast Asia Weekly.
As an accomplished artist and musician, Dr. Fukami has been accredited by the Chinese government as a First Grade National Master of Fine Arts, a First Grade National Opera Singer and a Second Grade National Peking Opera Actor. Dr. Fukami is also the chair of the Organizing Committee for the International High School Arts Festival, chair of the East Asian Arts Exchange Festival, advisor to the Modern Japan Calligraphers’ Association, and a board member of the Japan Designers Association. He is also a member of the Japanese Center of International PEN and a member of the Modern Haiku Association. He is a Noh theater performer belonging to the Hosho School, a member of the Noh Association and president of the IFAC Hosho Toshu Noh Troupe. He is a sponsor representative of Tokyo Dai Takigi Noh, an annual Noh performing arts event in Tokyo. He is also a master of calligraphy, the Japanese tea ceremony and flower arrangement.
The Kingdom of Cambodia has conferred on Dr. Fukami the titles of Commander of the Royal Order of Sahametrei, Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Monisaraphon, Commander of the Royal Order of Monisaraphon, and Grand Officer of the Royal Order of Sowathara. He has also been awarded a Development Medal by the government of Laos, an Honorary Award for Contribution towards the Chinese Choral Enterprise by the government of China, a Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon from the government of Japan and a Distinguished Service Medal from the State of Western Australia. He has also received the keys to the City of Perth and the City of Swan, both in Western Australia.
Working through a representative organization, Dr. Fukami established the 24-hour emergency Sihanouk Hospital in Cambodia and runs it in cooperation with a Christian group. Since December 1996, it has provided free medical treatment to 1,130,000 people. He has also supported and served as chair of the Future Light Orphanage of Worldmate, a charity that offers support and education to Cambodia’s war orphans. He has established ten elementary schools in Cambodian villages and set up the first Center for Japan Studies and Management within the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP), Cambodia’s sole international research body. He is an International Vice Chair of the CICP and also has a teaching role there. He is also the first chair of the University of Cambodia, one of Cambodia’s two large private universities.
Through a representative organization in China, Dr. Fukami has been active in establishing 130 Toshu Shunrai (Spring Bud) Elementary Schools in China’s poorest regions and has been recognized by the Chinese Government as a benefactor of China’s youth. He has donated funds to support the education of 100 orphans in Dunhuang, China.
Dr. Fukami also built the first modern school in Butrint, one of Albania’s poorest regions. Dr. Rexhep Meidani, then-president of Albania, attended the school’s inauguration ceremony, and Lord Jacob Rothschild of the UK was so impressed that he has paid four visits to the school so far and has promoted it widely at global investment conferences. Dr. Fukami was also recognized as an honorary citizen of the Albanian city of Gjirokastra after funding the construction there of the nation's first vocational training center.
Dr. Fukami was granted the title “Citizen of Humanity” by the National Committee on Human Rights Education where he has also served as a committee member.
He is known in Japan as the father of blind golf as he was the first to introduce golf for blind players there. He serves as the Honorary Chair of the Japanese Blind Golf Association and Honorary President of the International Blind Golf Association. In recognition for his long service, through representative organizations, to the welfare of blind people, he was awarded the position of Vice President of the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), the UK’s oldest and largest charity organization. In that capacity, he was invited to an audience with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace.
As chairman of the International Foundation for Arts and Culture (NPO) and as a multi-genre artist himself, Dr. Fukami has taken part in artistic activities throughout the world including calligraphy exhibitions, operas, music concerts and Noh performances. He works actively with charities to introduce Japanese cultural arts to the world. In China, as a professional artist, Dr. Fukami was officially recognized as a First Grade National Master of Fine Arts in September 2002, a First Grade National Opera Singer in October 2002 and a Second Grade National Peking Opera Actor in December 2002.
In Japan, Dr. Fukami is president of the board of the Kyowa Foundation, director of the Indo-Japanese Association, director of the Japan Forum on International Relations, vice chair of the Japan Red Swastika Society (a philanthropic organization), honorary chairman of the Japanese Blind Golf Association, chair of the International Sports Promotion Society, chair of the International Foundation for Arts and Culture, and chair of the International Jomon Culture Conference, among other official positions.
Outside of Japan, Dr. Fukami is vice-president of the UK’s Royal National Institute for the Blind, an vice president of the International Blind Golf Association, chair of the Legends Tour (formerly the Women’s Senior Golf Tour) in the United States, founder of the Sihanouk Hospital in Cambodia and vice chair of the Sihanouk Hospital Association, chair of Cambodia’s Future Light Orphanage of Worldmate, director of the Mei Lanfang Foundation in China, chair of the Beijing Foundation for the Promotion of Performing Arts Education, president of the International Shinto Foundation (a non-governmental organization recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council), director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue, and chair of the Asia Faiths Development Dialogue.
Dr. Fukami took lay ordination and studied Tendai Buddhist chanting under Reverend Denchu Amano, Daisojo of the Tendai sect. He received the Buddhist name "Toshu." Dr. Fukami also received the lay practitioner name (koji) of "Daigaku" at the Rinzai zen temple of Tofukuji in Kyoto.
Dr. Fukami is an international businessman involved in the management of more than a dozen companies both in Japan and overseas. As a hands-on business consultant, he holds a number of symposiums and seminars and also evaluates corporate operations.
He takes part in a variety of artistic and cultural activities including writing lyrics, composing music, giving instrumental performances, conducting, giving vocal performances, writing Japanese waka and haiku poetry, painting, giving speeches, watching classical ballet, performing Peking opera, and acting. He has also produced a large body of artwork that includes painting and writing collections, musical scores, and photo, video and CD collections. He has so far released 85 music CDs and 21 DVDs. In May 2007 he released a nine-disc compilation of his 15 years of live stage performances titled “Fukami Toushu Historical Live Stage”
He is well-versed in all types of music and also in the performing arts of the East and West.
He has written over 240 books and his works have been translated into seven different languages. His list of publications contains books on management, culture, religion and his worldview, including such titles as Making Quantitative Leaps with Japanese-Style Business Management, Understanding Japan, and Lucky Fortune. Lucky Fortune has sold over 1.4 million volumes.
Under the pseudonym Ami Totoami, which he uses to write his novels and plays, he published Tokage (Lizard), a collection of short stories, and Batta ni Dakarete (Hugged by a Grasshopper), a novelette that was selected as a Japan Library Association Recommended Book. Among his art and calligraphic works published in Japan, The Works of Toshu Fukami (Kyuryudo) was also chosen as a Japan Library Association Recommended Book.
He is also a well-known radio personality in Japan who has hosted a number of regular programs. He currently hosts two weekly radio programs, “Sawayaka This Way” (National FM) which has been running for almost two decades, and “Leonardo Toshu’s Asobiga Night” (FM Nack5).
(by official site)