Honorary Degrees to Be Awarded at Commencement

Performing artist, businessman, philanthropist, and motivational speaker Dr. Haruhisa Handa is a modern renaissance man. He performs as an opera singer, Noh actor, and dancer, and is also a composer and arranger, poet, calligrapher, photographer, and author of numerous books. Dr. Handa directs more than a dozen companies and organizations worldwide, ranging from management consulting to sponsorship of symposia and lectures. An international philanthropist, he has founded and built a hospital, schools, and an orphanage in Cambodia, and financed medical research and music education in Australia. In the U.S. and the U.K.,Dr. Handa has championed causes as varied as opera, Shinto studies, and golf for the visually impaired. As chairman of the International Foundation for Arts and Culture, he has been a steadfast supporter of the Vocal Arts Department at Juilliard for a decade. The creation of the new Juilliard Opera program inspired him to increase the foundation’s philanthropic commitment to the School through support for a Visiting Artist Chair in Vocal Arts and staged opera productions at Juilliard, among other Vocal Arts activities. Dr. Handa earned a degree in economics from Doshisha University in Kyoto and pursued postgraduate studies in voice at Japan’s prestigious Musashino Academia Musicae, in addition to holding multiple masters’ and doctoral degrees.